Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tips and Tricks Tuesday(#1): AP Photography

Hi hi everybody! Today is going to be my first feature for Tips and Tricks Tuesday. I will try to do this as often as I can so please leave suggestions down in the comment section below.

If you don't know what AP Photography is please check my other post here explaining what AP Photography is.

Tip #1
Before picking a concentration you should have at least 3 in your mind that you like. Before starting the school year you have to take 5 rolls of film in the summer. While taking pictures over the summer is when I was thinking about concentration ideas.

Tip #2 
When you finally decide on your concentration try and take at least 2 rolls of film early on. This will help you determine if you like taking these kinds of pictures. Also this will help you see if you are good at making these kinds of prints.

Tip #3
Always try and have extra paper and film with you. You don't want to be in the middle of a print and run out of paper. You don't want to not have film when you run out of pictures to make.

Tip #4
When making prints try to at least make 2 prints a week. 1 print a week is ok but you might fall behind. Having my prints to show is better than having not enough prints.

Tip #5
Try to scan your prints as early as soon as possible. Maybe take a day in class where you have no prints to make and just scan everything. You don't want to be scanning everything in the last minute.

Tip #6
Make an AP account early. Even if you aren't uploading your prints yet make sure you have the username and password set up.

Tip #7
Try to remember when you are going to different places so you can ask to borrow a camera. Always try to bring a camera if you go away over the break or the weekend.

Tip #8
Talk to your teacher. Ask them any question you have because they probably have the answer. If they don't have the answer then they could find it out for you. Don't be afraid to question but you want to get the highest grade you can.

Tip #9
DON'T FORGET TO GIVE IN YOUR CHECK! If you don't hand in your check on time then you won't be able to send in your prints.

Tip #10
Have fun! This class is really enjoyable if you just do your work. It's fun being in a class with other photographers that are working on the same project as you. You get to go on fun trips and learn a lot about photography. It might be an AP class but that doesn't mean it's all about working.

Thank you for reading my post today. I hope it was helpful for all of you going into AP photography. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you at my next exposure!


(Note: If there are any spelling/grammar errors then please tell me and I'll change them as soon as possible)

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