Monday, July 20, 2015

Project #4 For Digital

Hey hey everyone!

I hope that everyone is having a great great day because everyone deserves to be happy!

So the next project I'm going to show you is Night photography. This ended up being a project that I really really liked.

For this project we had to take 3 types of pictures, one at a long shutter speed, regular flash, and a ghost shot. A ghost shot is when you set up your camera with a tripod and a long shutter speed. C lick to take the picture and walk in the middle of it and it will create a "ghost" image of you.

I'm putting in example picture of the projects to give you  and ideal and then I will show you my pictures.

These are NOT my pictures.

Long shutter speed 



Now my pictures 

So these are my pictures, I hope you like them. My least favorite one is the ghost one but that's ok. Thank you for reading and I'll see you at my next exposure!


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